Our Story
Whistle While You Wick started in the summer of 2016 when my rescued dog Rosco tested positive for heart worms. I had been very naive, but after much research, I realized the gravity of an infestation I had been so oblivious about. Struggling to find the means to cover treatment, I came up with the idea to make and sell citronella candles. I incorporated my love for nature with the willingness to combat mosquitoes while gaining awareness for heart worms. With a few candle sales and help from family, friends, and even kind strangers, I am so thankful to say that Rosco is healthy and happy as ever. But I don't want to stop these candles at his story. I want to bring awareness to a preventable disease that causes irreparable damage and is fatal if left untreated. A portion of each candle sale will be donated to the treatment of heart worms for a rescued pet. WWYW has expanded from just citronella, but the purpose will always stay the same. Don't let obliviousness cost you hundreds or even the life of your best friend. If not already, get your pet on heart worm prevention today.
Meet the Maker
Firstly, I want to thank you for being here! I am Morgan, the owner and creator of Whistle While You Wick. While you can read the story above to find out about the origins of my candle business, here’s a little about me: My background is in environmental and wildlife education. I am a Rome, Ga native but studied Wildlife Management at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in south Ga and now live in Marietta. Before I decided to make candles, I knew I wanted to showcase my love for nature by turning a common household favorite into a unique and original product. The idea for including flowers came from an herbaceous college class project when I would need to press flora for scientific identification. Developing a technique to include the flora in the containers took much trial and error, but I am proud to offer customers a truly one of a kind candle. I hope the candles and other products found in my shop can invoke the enjoyment of nature within the comfort of your home.